Sunday, March 22, 2009

Survived the Birthday week

Well the week flew by and my students are back on track and things are going well. Gracie got sick and luckily my mom could come out in time so that Sandy or i did not have to miss any school. Gracie was happy to get the special attention that only grandmas can give.

My students gave me a great little surprise party at the end of school on my birthday and it was a lot of fun. We finished Tuck Ever Lasting both the book and the movie. The timing was good, we will start writing a compare and contrast and then we can move on to our next book.

I was able to get the microphones working with our Read 180 program, we have a visitor coming to observe and I thought it would be great if everything was working this time.

Well I have got to start getting OSN done for tomorrow.

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